Beauties and the Beast
Completed: 2016
Download here:
Genre: Dating Sim
Platform(s): PC
Description: You are Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and if you don't get married in a week, you will be stuck as a beast forever! Luckily, your trusty butler, Beauregard, has brought five women for you to try to impress. Get to know your choice of them with the hopes of making yourself a groom.
- Click to choose dialogue
- Click to navigate map
- Click to advance text
Unique elements:
- Marry a cow
- Get insulted repeatedly by Lucille
- Change the course of a classic piece of literature
Awards: Best Gameplay Award at Fairytale Game Jam 2016
My roles:
- Background artist
- Map artist
- Game design
- Drawing UI that shows where each character is on the map
- Programming the timing for Patrice's vocals
- Turn the entire development team into portraits for the Palace dining hall